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My beauty motto is that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is comfortable with her perfect imperfections.
My beauty ritual: I'm always researching new clean beauty brands but presently, my favourites include LILFOX Amazon Dark Cleanser, Laurel Elixir I, LILFOX Prickly Pear Serum, LILFOX Marshmallow Poof Crema
The product I cannot live without is my Clear Quartz Gua Sha.
When I’m not working, I’m travelling or dreaming of travel to faraway places with my family.
I choose organic because during my struggle with adult acne, I realized that you need to nourish your body and skin for optimal health. I know that women can achieve and maintain a radiant and healthy complexion, naturally, being good to themselves and to our planet.

My beauty motto is I’ve earned every wrinkle on my face. I embrace the laugh lines around my eyes and my smile lines around my mouth as they’ve made me what I am today.
My current beauty ritual: Kahina Oil Cleanser, Laurel Hydrating Elixir I, LILFOX Haute C, LILFOX Ambrosia Immortalis Eye mask, Laurel Antioxidant Serum + Night Balm.
The product I cannot live without: Laurel Night Balm. A luxurious part of my evening ritual that hydrates, plumps and brightens my complexion all year round.
When I’m not working, I am looking to where my next travel adventure will take me.
I choose organic because it is the one of the things that helped me during my struggle with acne as a teen. I realized that you need to nourish your body and skin for optimal health. I know that you can achieve and maintain a radiant and healthy complexion, naturally, being good to themselves and to our planet.

My beauty motto is Because beauty is the reflection of an attitude, look forward gracefully with glowing skin.
My beauty ritual includes Blissōma Mild Rice Facial Cleanser, LILFOX Acid Glow, LILFOX Blue Legume Hydra Soothe Mask, Laurel Elixirs, Blissōma Omega Miracle Facial Oil, Laurel Night Balm.
The product I cannot live without: Laurel's Elixirs are the foundation of all my other skin care products. They all smell and feel amazing and all of my serums and moisturizers feel and function that much better.
When I’m not working, you can likely find me at home being a homebody. I love gardening and do this year round indoors and outdoors. I try to spend time in nature as often as I can, I enjoy hiking and camping.
I choose organic because it not only promotes my personal health and well-being, but also contributes to the sustainability and preservation of our planet.
What aging means to me: I cherish each passing day, month and year as a testament to a life -well lived, aging naturally and gracefully, I’m not afraid of the wisdom and beauty each new year brings.

My beauty motto is to embrace and find beauty in the imperfect.
My current beauty ritual: For my sensitive, hormonal and acne-prone skin, I use: Josh Rosebrook Essential Balm Cleanser, Laurel Elixir II, Laurel Unburden Serum, Blissoma Smooth A+ Corrective Serum, Laurel Recovery Balm, Eminence Eight Greens Phyto Masque.
The product I cannot live without is Laurel's Unburden Serum. It is my go-to when my skin needs some love.
When I’m not working I am at home in Chelsea with my 2 kids and husband, visiting my favourite coffee shops like Palmier in Chelsea, or Planet Coffee in Ottawa, or a class at Framework.
I choose organic because as a holistic nutritionist I understand the importance of not only what we put in our bodies, but also what we put on our bodies.
What aging means to me: Exciting! For as long as I can remember I've always wanted to be older! At 35, I look forward to my 40s... My challenge is to be in the here and now and appreciate what this stage of life has to offer me.

My beauty motto is that Getting older is an adventure. Embrace it, learn from it and ENJOY it dammit!
My current beauty ritual Right now I am finding my skin quite reactive due to the elements. Having a beard I find I am desperate for extra hydration & moisture. My current routine is the Laurel Elixir ll (I can't get enough of it) followed by the Laurel Recovery Balm on my face and beard. To give a little extra love to my whiskers I apply a few drops of the LILFOX Man About Mohave Face + Beard Oil and massage it into my beard.
The product I cannot live without is the Laurel Elixir ll and the Recovery Balm
When I’m not working, I am relaxing at home with my husband and dog. As a Certified Sommelier, I enjoy learning about and exploring the wines of Argentina. A necessary preparation for our upcoming move to Buenos Aires.
I choose organic because I trust it, I believe in it and it works for me.
What aging means to me I have worked hard to get here and I would never look back. I look forward to every new adventure. Accept the good and the bad of getting older because it only makes you stronger...and perhaps a little wiser.