Tammy is "Little Miss Sunshine". She has been a client for 20 years.
She approaches life with a relentless pursuit of personal growth, always striving to be the best version of herself. Alongside her professional achievements, Tammy is an incredible Mom to two teenagers. She recognizes the importance of self-care with mindfulness, a healthy diet and skin care routine. Her commitment to addressing her sun and golf-loving pigmentation has been transformative. Tammy's skin truly glows and she radiates from within, making her a beacon of positivity and inspiration to those around her.
What do you love about getting older?
I love that I can just be me. I am more confident, calm, full of passion for life…and on most days….“I am high on life!”
What don’t you like about getting older?
Presently, the part that I dislike the most about getting older is physically losing loved ones to the cycle of life…
What is your evening skin care routine?
I start by cleaning my face with a gel or cream cleanser; then I rinse with a hot towel. Only once or twice a week, at this stage, I would add an exfoliator; or a masque. I always continue my routine with a hydrator which I apply generously as Oresta teaches me. When my skin is still damp, I add a few drop of a serum or an oil and I massage it in circular and upward motion. I complete my routine with a night moisturizer or extra oil which I also strongly massage in my skin. I add my eye cream with my baby fingers to nourish and hydrate those great laugh lines and I love to finish with my lavender lip treatment. I am ready for bed. It is not always perfect… but it is perfectly imperfect.

What is the one thing you do that has changed your skin?
It is difficult to pinpoint only one thing. Oresta, my skin guru, has provided me with so many great skin lessons over the years. However, if I have to identify one or two things, I would say that consistently adding sun protector on my face and integrating an am and pm skin routine care were great changes. The addition of the Laurel Sun Serum and brightening product were also a game changer to my skin after all those years of wanting to have a perfect tan….when my pigmentation did not.
What is your favourite skin care product?
There are so many… Oresta and her team always offer me new options to stimulate my skin; but one of my favourites would have to be the Eminence Arctic Berry Radiance Cream. I love the smell and I feel it tightens and clears my skin.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Care for your skin, by adding a few simple steps: Drink lots of water and eat a few more fruits and veggies; Always wear a natural sun protector on your face. Clean, hydrate and moisturize before going to bed…it is a great relaxing routine for you, and your skin will thank you later for this. But mostly, relax and be happy…you are beautiful. Ten years from now….you will see your physical beauty in your old pictures. Now, please don't over stress when your face, and body starts to change. Continue being gentle and care for your whole self. Embrace that real beauty comes from within and it shines outside for the world to see. You are unique and radiantly beautiful! Enjoy your beauty! Trust me…
Tell us something about yourself that many don’t know or share your proudest moment.
My proudest moment in my life was definitely giving birth to my two amazing children. Through natural childbirth, I realized the strength and power I have as a woman and the abundance of love I have residing within me. I found an even greater appreciation for my upbringing, the life partner I chose, my healthy routines and I surrounded myself with great mentors and positive friends . It was the beginning of this enriching path to becoming ME…which is always in evolution.
What is your philosophy on empowered aging?
I believe that empowered aging is embracing those changes we see in our body, in our skin and recognizing that beauty is more than what meets the eye. Beauty is so much deeper and richer than the surface. Empowered aging is definitely continuing to take care of ourselves, our whole selves: the mind, body, and spirit. We need to implement and maintain healthy ritual which cares for that trio. You need to feel good from within….that is where resides the real work. Take care of your soul and body, and you will be amaze to see your face start to glow. I believe our beauty, our light comes from within…. And the more you let it shine, the brighter and more beauty you can radiate to the outside world. We all need more light. Xox
Finish this sentence: I feel most beautiful when...
I look at myself in the mirror and I stare deeply in my eyes… I see the real strong beauty inside of me… which is so much more than the reflection I see in the mirror. It is personal and very powerful. I recommend everyone tries that experiment. We all have that great beauty within us… we just need to let it shine.