Spring Renewal Facial - ORESTA clean beauty simplified

Spring Renewal Facial

Spring is a season of rebirth and renewal, a time to slough off winter skin to reveal a fresh spring glow.

Is your skin tired of winter and longing for spring? Is the cold weather, wind and indoor heating taking a toll on your skin, leaving it dry, dull, flaky and irritated? In spite of the snowstorm, spring is in the air. 
Treat yourself to our Spring Renewal Facial! Starting March 1st, we will be offering a 45 minute facial to get rid of dry, dull winter skin for a fresh, radiant complexion.
Spring Renewal Facial - $95

We begin with a purifying oil cleanse to remove surface build up and impurities and brighten the complexion. We follow with an oxygenating exfoliant or enzyme peel to invigorate, polish and refine the skin. The customized masque will reduce irritation, heal and rejuvenate the skin. We complete the treatment with a facial and scalp massage to supercharge the skin and rejuvenate the scalp so that you can spring forward with a fresh, dewy, vibrant complexion! 

We will customize your facial to address your specific skin concerns. Even sensitive and rosacea-prone skin can enjoy the dramatic results of a natural peel treatment to reduce fine lines, illuminate skin, improve skin tone and lighten pigmentation. As results are cumulative, for optimum results, we highly recommend a series of 4-6 consecutive weekly professional Spring Renewal facial treatments.

To book your facial, please call one of our locations.

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