ORESTA's Tips to Achieve Glowing Skin in 2016


Getting Enough SLEEP



Sleep is critical not only for your health but also for maintaining a healthy glow. That's why they call it 'beauty sleep'. It is essential for a healthy heart, reducing stress, improving concentration as well as promoting healthy skin, eyes and hair.

Skin heals and regenerates itself at night and human growth hormones (HGH) are released during deep sleep. These hormones stimulate cells to repair damage from the sun and pollution as well as to retain elasticity in the skin. Sleep deprivation causes our body to release more cortisol - the stress hormone which, in addition to being a fat storing hormone, triggers inflammation and breaks down collagen  (responsible for maintaining firm, plump, and smooth skin) resulting in fine lines, thin and dry skin.  Sleep deprivation also increases insulin resistance which with inflammation are major culprits of acne. Sleep strengthens your immune system and your skin's natural barrier function. More sleep more = less breakout.

Red eyes, puffiness and dark under-eye circles are exacerbated by poor sleep. Increase eye brightness and alleviate dark circles and puffiness with adequate sleep time.  Sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated also helps reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eye.

Increased sleep will also help hair growth.  While you are sleeping, growth hormones work to improve the health of your hair and promote hair growth.

I cannot stress enough: PLEASE try not to go to bed with your makeup on. Even if you are not a makeup wearer, you have accumulate the days dirt and pollution on your skin. Instead, create a nightie beauty ritual of cleansing and nourishing your the skin. If you find that you are too tired to cleanse at bedtime, do it after dinner. Follow cleansing with a serum and night cream. I call it the 'while you sleep facial'. Skin produces less oil and may become dehydrated during the night so this is the ideal time to nourish, heal and replenish your skin while you sleep with a skin-specific serum and night cream.

How to get a better sleep:

1. Try to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep

2. Turn your electronics off at least 30 minutes before bedtime. No electronics in the bedroom.

3. If you had a bad sleep, a midday nap can reduce cortisol levels.

4. Keep a regular sleep schedule

5. Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bed.

6. Avoid alcohol before sleep as it inhibits a deep sleep.

Do you have any other sleep tips to share? We would love to hear from you. Happy sleeping!

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